The Official Web Site of James R. Cummins III
While this site is primarily for my professional use, it is also intended as a way to provide family and friends with access to the latest news and pictures. Up until now, that was accomplished by "hiding" the content because I did not have the user authentication module implemented. But now each visitor gets content appropriate to their role: anonymous browsers see the public content, registered users have access to more personal information, family and friends have access to intimate details.

While there is not much in the middle category now, that will change soon. Information about my personal interests: music, outdoor life, reading, cooking, etc. will be available to registered users.
"Looking at the proliferation of personal web pages on the net, it looks like very soon everyone on earth will have 15 Megabytes of fame."      -MG Siriam

For now some Mexican recipes, a meatloaf recipe, and chili philosophy. Definitely more to come. Available for registered users.

Just a little insight into where I am and why. Available for registered users.
Photo Albums

Photo albums are now available depending on your user role. Anonymous visitors will only see a couple of sample albums. I haven't decided yet what might be appropriate for registered users. Registered family and friends get full access. Please note that there is no automated mechanism for having your account upgraded to family/friend status. Please send me a message if I somehow forgot to change your role.
Web Log

The simple truth is that I'm not really a blogger. I created it mostly just for the sake of doing so. But now that I'm going through my battle with throat cancer, it seems like a good place to put down my thoughts, provide some record of what I'm going through to look back on later, inform my family and friends about how I'm doing, and give them a way to ask questions and get answers.